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Ascenso al Cerro Batero sigue el camino del lider plan sencillo (copia)
Riosucio Caldas

[Riosucio Caldas] The Batero hill is located at the highest point of the Risaralda department (2,200 masl) in the municipality of Quinchia, known as the valley of the hills. This imposing hill has several legends that make the trip more enigmatic, such as the legend of the Goddess Michua who lived in drums and demanded human sacrifices.

7 hours
Ascent to Cerro Batero follows the path of the leader all-inclusive plan
Coffee AxisRiosucio Caldas

[Riosucio Caldas] The Batero hill is located at the highest point of the Risaralda department (2,200 masl) in the municipality of Quinchia, known as the valley of the hills. This imposing hill has several legends that make the trip more enigmatic, such as the legend of the Goddess Michua who lived in drums and demanded human sacrifices.

7 hours
Tour Historia Religiosa de Riosucio Caldas
Riosucio Caldas

Foto principal by @Diegoospina77 Con la tradicional arquitectura del CAFÉ ACHICHAVARI iniciamos con una deliciosa MACANA llena de historia religiosa de Riosucio caldas a cargo de nuestro escritor ÓSCAR HENAO.

4 Horas
Tour Llanos Orientales and Tiuma Park 5 days 4 nights.

In this Tour through the Eastern Plains you will have the opportunity to visit Tiuma Park, Biopark the ocarros, River Meta in false, visit monument of obelisk, visit to Matapalo viewpoint, visit to dairy Catira, City Villavicencio Tour, river the Gejarknow the path of llanero spell,  route of llanero piedmont and much more.

5 days / 4 nights