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Amazon Rebirth Tour

When you dive into Deep in the Pool of Love, when you are in the Cave of Colors navigating within yourself, when you are in the Maloca listening carefully and when you see the Uterus, how beautiful a creation, you will feel that you have been reborn, in mind, soul and heart. Come and enjoy with us two of the most sensory experiences in the heart of the Colombian Amazon: Caquetá.

3 days / 2 nights
Silletas and Flowers Tour

Live one of the wonderful traditions of the city of Medellin. On this tour we will take a tour of the main park of the township of Santa Elena "land of silleteros", tour of the awards and recognitions, visit the silletero corner where you can leave a nice message.

1 day
Terrestrial Tour Tolú & Coveñas 3 days 2 nights
Tolu & Covenas

The beaches of Tolu are a magical charm that no one wants to miss, walk through the La Caimanera swamp It is a wonderful obligatory walk for all tourists because it is the beginning of a magnificent tour, where you will be able to appreciate four varieties of mangrove: red, black, white and Zaragoza.

3 days / 2 nights
Tour Traveling Between Towns 3 days 2 nights
YardJerichoHoly faith of Antioch

The towns of Antioch they are beautiful, enjoy an excellent climate and are places full of history, culture and lots of nature. In this tour we will visit Yard with its waterfall of love and puddle of the heart, we will take a tour of Jericho and its streets of commerce, the Salvador hill and the visit to the house of the Holy Mother Laura Montoya, we will make a tour of Holy faith of Antioch and the José María Villa Villa suspension bridge.

3 days / 2 nights
Andakí Trails Tours

With the hospitality and skill that the andakies to share and live with other people, with that same welcoming gesture you will be received in Caqueteño lands. For 3 days, 2 nights, you will get to know the multicolored jungle that was the epicenter of our Andakí indigenous culture; emerald green rivers and the Pachamama Uterus are some of the natural mysteries in the south of the department. Come and discover why Caquetá is #1Different Destination.

3 days / 2 nights
Terrestrial Tours Coffee Region 4 days 3 nights
Coffee Axis

The Coffee Axis It is the destination that you cannot miss on the tourist routes in Colombia, a destination known as a cultural heritage of humanity thanks to its beautiful landscapes with its coffee plantations. Where can you visit the Cocora Valley, Santa Rosa de Cabal Hot Springs, Coffee Park.

4 days / 3 nights
Rural Tourism Riosucio Caldas Ancestral Door Route Tour
Riosucio Caldas

[Riosucio Caldas] Get to know the Riosucio Caldas ancestral gate route where you can learn to live the history and culture that embeds our community... Immerse yourself in the flavors, colors and textures that will take you to another dimension where you want to stay.

2 days / 1 night