Tours Eje Cafetero.
El Tour al Eje Cafetero It is the destination that you cannot miss on the tourist routes in Colombia, a destination known as a cultural heritage of humanity thanks to its beautiful landscapes with its coffee plantations. Where can you visit the Cocora Valley, Santa Rosa de Cabal Hot Springs, Parque del Café, Panaca, Salento, Filandia y mucho mas.
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Reserva tu plan con el 30%
Duración: 4 Dias - 3 Noches
20 years of experience
- Transfer from Medellin to all places of interest in tourist vehicles according to the number of passengers.
- You have the accompanying guide throughout the tour.
- Medical assistance card.
- Accommodation: 3 nights 4 days.
- Food: breakfasts and dinners per night of accommodation (3 breakfasts and 3 dinners).
- Visit to Salento, an artisan town in the region, entrance to a viewpoint and visit to the Cocora Valley.
- Panoramic tour of the city of Armenia and Pereira.
- Entrance to all sites of interest according to experience:
- SOURCE: Coffee Park, PANACA, Santa Rosa de Cabal Hot Springs, Salento and Valle del Cocora, Visit Quimbaya and Montenegro.
- COFFEE: Coffee Park, Recuca Park or Los Arrieros Park, Santa Rosa de Cabal Hot Springs, Salento and Valle del Cocora.
- UKUMARI Coffee Park - UKUMARÍ Biopark, FILAND, Santa Rosa de Cabal Hot Springs, Salento and Valle del Cocora. (additional charge $25,000).
- MYSTICISM Coffee Park, Buga Lord of miracles, Santa Rosa de Cabal Hot Springs, Salento and Valle del Cocora (additional charge $99.000).
- Air tickets and taxes
- Expenses not specified in the program
- Day 1: Departure at approximately 4:30 am to our first tourist attraction, Salento Quindio, city tour and visit the Cocora Valley. Departure in the afternoon towards the hotel.
- Day 2: Breakfast at the hotel and departure to the agricultural culture park PANACA o Park of choice according to experience, return time to the hotel approximately 6:30 PM.
- Day 3: Breakfast and departure to the Coffee Park, enjoy this magnificent park where you will learn everything about the coffee process in addition to enjoying unique mechanical attractions in our country, time of return to the hotel approximately 6:30 PM.
- Day 4: Breakfast and departure to Medellin, before visiting Hot springs of Santa Rosa de Cabal where we will enjoy a wonderful landscape and the most famous hot springs in Colombia. Arrival in Medellin at approximately 10:00 PM.
- Children under 2 years old only pay $35,000 (Travel Insurance) (NET RATE).
- Children from 2 to 3 years old pay: parks and insurance value $200,000 (NET RATE).
- Children from 4 to 9 years old pay the 90%, the same services as the adult will apply. (COMMISSIONABLE RATE)
- Verify hotels and final plan with reservation confirmation.
- Tourist type hotels.
- Rates subject to change without prior notice and availability.
- Hotels other than HOTEL ARMENIA CAMPESTRE will have an increase in the rate, please consult.
- Departure time: 4:30 AM approximately.
- No music will be allowed inside the vehicle by the driver or any coordinator of the program, therefore it is recommended to wear personal headphones.
A LA CARTE TOURS reserves the right to make changes to any service offered within this program when deemed necessary, with the sole purpose of guaranteeing the success of the operation. (ITINERY SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
A LA CARTE TOURS is not responsible for payments that are not made in authorized bank accounts or in our facilities. Remember that all our services are accompanied by a reservation confirmation and settlement code, which must be indicated at the time of payment.
A LA CARTE TOURS rejects exploitation, pornography, sex tourism and other forms of sexual abuse with minors and contributes to compliance with Law 679 of 2001, TOURS A LA CARTA, is subject to the liability regime established by Law 300/96 and DR 1075 /97.
Let's talk
Reserva tu plan con el 30%
Let's talk
Duración: 4 Dias - 3 Noches
Reserva Inmediata
20 years of experience

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