Dairy Tour 1 day
Knowing the majesty of the green mountains of Antioch, visit in our route the municipalities Saint Peter of Miracles, belmira, entrerrios and the farm milkmaid where we will have the opportunity to learn about the milking process, interact with nature and marvel at the magical environment of the North Antioquia.
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Reserva tu plan con el 30%
Duración: 1 Día
20 years of experience
- Round trip transportation in a special tourist vehicle
- A professional tour guide
- Breakfast at a dairy farm where you will learn about the process of milking and making artisanal butter.
- Visit the municipalities of San Pedro de los Milagros, landscapes of Belmira and Entrerríos
- Entrance to the Minor Basilica of the Lord of Miracles, where the image of Christ on the cross considered miraculous is located
- Typical lunch.
- Farm experience interacting with animals such as: rabbits, pigs, minipigs, sheep and endless fun
- Travel insurance.
- Unspecified expenses.
- Road expenses.
- Voluntary tips.
- STOP 1 Dairy Farm: At our first stop we will have the opportunity to experience farm work on a dairy farm, learning about the process of manual milking and the manufacture of dairy products such as butter. You can also interact with animals of smaller species.
- STOP 2 San Pedro de los Milagros (The Culture Gate of the North): For many years, San Pedro de los Milagros has been recognized as the Cultural Gate of the North, due to the large number of artistic and cultural expressions and manifestations that are promoted and developed in the municipality. Here we will visit the Minor Basilica Señor de los Milagros (The Sistine Basilica of Colombia) has several architectural elements, such as the dome over the altar and the interior arches, inspired by Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. Inside is La Pietá, the most perfect replica of the original work by Michelangelo Buonarotti that rests in Rome. The Minor Basilica has around 120 works of art, including paintings, sculptures, stained glass windows, reliefs and others.
- STOP 3 Belmira: The origin of its name is Portuguese and derives from "Bello Mirar", which means beautiful landscape, its cold climate and its sky produce a magical sensation for those who visit it. In Belmira we will visit Plaza del Río, a beautiful replica of an Antioquia town where we will enjoy lunch and you will find desserts, a farm and a beautiful chapel.
- STOP 4 Entrerrios: We will make a short stop to see the Cucas factory, a traditional biscuit and emblem of the municipality of Entrerríos. This black and sweet cookie has a soft and slightly crunchy texture that once you try it, you will fall in love with its flavor! Ideal to bring a rich souvenir to your family and friends.
Exit points:
- 6:15 a.m. Majorca Shopping Center
- 6:25 a.m. Dann Carlton Hotel
- 6:30 am El Poblado Park Cra. 43 A with Cll. 9
- 6:45 a.m. Hotel Porton San Joaquin
- 7:00 am Metro Stadium Station. On 47D Street.
A LA CARTE TOURS reserves the right to make changes to any service offered within this program when deemed necessary, with the sole purpose of guaranteeing the success of the operation. (ITINERY SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
A LA CARTE TOURS is not responsible for payments that are not made in authorized bank accounts or in our facilities. Remember that all our services are accompanied by a reservation confirmation and settlement code, which must be indicated at the time of payment.
A LA CARTE TOURS rejects exploitation, pornography, sex tourism and other forms of sexual abuse with minors and contributes to compliance with Law 679 of 2001, TOURS A LA CARTA, is subject to the liability regime established by Law 300/96 and DR 1075 /97.
Let's talk
Reserva tu plan con el 30%
Let's talk
Duración: 1 Día
Reserva Inmediata
20 years of experience

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